One of the greatest honors is to be recognized by peers and experts for the outstanding work and contributions made. ANA-Illinois is providing opportunities for such recognition through our annual recognition awards. Nominations are open through August 31st. Awards will be presented during the Virtual Professional Issues Conference on November 4th. Descriptions of the awards and eligibility criteria are detailed below and can be found on our website at

Clinical Practice Award recognizes an exemplary nurse who provides evidence of a high level of skill in patient care through improving clinical practice and patient-centered outcomes.

Nominee Eligibility:

  1. A registered nurse licensed in the state of Illinois
  2. Is currently providing patient care in any specialty
  3. Have at least five years of experience
  4. Demonstrate evidence-based ability to design, implement, and evaluate evidence-based practice changes and/or quality improvement initiatives to promote improved patient outcomes.

Nurse Influencer Award recognizes an exemplary nurse who has influenced the science of nursing practice or care delivery system, a group/community/population (patient or other care providers) sick or well, contributes to health or its recovery (or to peaceful death) in any care or community setting (at any level, local, regional or national level), or the profession of nursing through education, advocacy, policy or practice.

Mariam Webster defines an Influencer (noun) as “one who exerts influence, a person who inspires or guides the actions of others.”

Nominee Eligibility:

  1. A registered nurse is currently practicing in any specialty in Illinois.
  2. You must be an ANA Illinois member or nominated by an ANA-Illinois member.
  3. Demonstrated evidence of this nurse’s influence over the science of nursing practice or care delivery system, a group/community/population (patient or other care providers) sick or well, contributes to health or its recovery (or to peaceful death) in any care or community setting (at any level, local, regional or national level), or the profession of nursing through education, advocacy, policy or practice.

Student Nurse of the Year Award recognizes an outstanding student nurse who exemplifies compassion, exceptional promise in clinical expertise, and academic achievement- the underpinnings of nursing excellence.

Nominees for this award will deserve recognition for outstanding achievement, exceptional academic or clinical ability, or exemplary compassion and caring toward their clients and peers during their years of study.

Nominee Eligibility

Pre-licensure student nurses studying in Illinois

The ANA-Illinois Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Leadership Award was created to intentionally invest in the professional development of nurse leaders that have been historically and systematically marginalized in nursing.


  1. Must be a member of ANA-Illinois from a historically and systematically marginalized community as defined by the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Expert Panel’s mission statement.
  2. Employed in nursing for a minimum of two (2) years as a licensed nurse (APRN, RN, LPN).
  3. Curriculum Vitae (2 pages maximum)
  4. Personal Statement that includes the following information:
    1. How the selected program will support the applicant to advance the mission of ANA-Illinois’ DEI Expert Panel (500 words maximum)
    2. Identification and description of desired leadership/development program planned to attend.
    3. Cost of program
    4. Program start date and tentative date of completion
  5. If selected, the recipient must commit to an oral or written presentation of the leadership program overview within six months of completion.