In the 25 years since the first Student Nurse Political Action Day (SNPAD), the event, now hosted by ANA-Illinois, has grown to become an important part of student nursing education in Illinois.


SNPAD Develops Nurses as Advocates

It may surprise some that a conference with a political action focus is a regular part of Illinois nursing programs.

But Susan Swart, EdD, MS, RN, CAE and Executive Director of ANA-Illinois, isn’t one of them. As a leader advancing nursing in Illinois and nationally, she understands the advocacy role that nurses take on.

Empowering student nurses to advocate for themselves, patients, and health care is an essential skill for successful nurses. SNPAD introduces student nurses to political action, gives them tools to get involved, and provides a positive and memorable experience of political engagement.

“Nurses are advocates and use their positions of trust to protect the rights, health, and safety of patients,” says Swart. “We do this at the bedside, in clinics, and at the Capitol. SNPAD participants are provided the opportunity to develop and practice these skills as students.”


SNPAD 2023: “Human First, Nurse Second”

The theme for the conference this year is “Human First, Nurse Second.” Swart will deliver the keynote address on this year’s theme.

“Becoming a nurse is more than a job—it’s a calling. Nurses hold the title of ‘nurse’ close to our hearts. But now, more than ever, we’re aware that who we are as people is just as important as who we are as nurses,” she says.

At the same time, as health care changes, it’s critical that nurses are involved in shaping those changes. Swart’s keynote brings awareness to the challenges they’ll face as new nurses and provides them with the knowledge to identify and help shape safe work environments.

“I want students to come away with a sense of empowerment, knowing they will be the drivers of change in our profession,” says Swart.


Professional Development Opportunities

Along with the keynote, the one-day conference features

  • In-depth information about the Illinois’ 103rd General Assembly legislative session from the ANA-Illinois Lobbyist
  • Stop the Bleed® Hands-On Skills Training and certification, which takes place before SNPAD programming begins in the morning
  • Poster contest and exhibits
  • A memorable and powerful march and rally at the Illinois State Capitol steps


Register Today!

Registration is easy and affordable. Register now to join us in Springfield, Illinois, on April 18, 2023, for this powerful and historic Student Nurse Political Action Day.

If you’re a nursing instructor, consider group registration to ensure every student attends this enriching educational opportunity. Each school that registers as a group will get a shoutout on social media. Plus, the school that brings the most students will be on the front cover of The Nursing Voice!

We look forward to seeing you at the 25th Student Nurse Political Action Day!

 Register now.